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Two parents and a child unpacking boxes in their new home.

Be Move-In Ready with America’s Finest Property Management

The paperwork is signed, the keys are in hand, and you’re ready to move into your new home…right?

Not so fast!

While an experienced realtor like Hector M. Ruiz and America’s Finest Property Management can help you handle the red tape before the big move, there are a few more things to check off before you can really call your new house a home. Let’s take a look at some overlooked steps that can make your new homeowning experience smooth as butter.

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Change Your Address

You’d think it was a simple enough matter, but it’s easy to overlook this vital step. It’s not enough to notify friends and family of your new abode – you’ve got to cross those t’s and dot those i’s. An out-of-date home address can cause some complications when it comes to regular billing, from credit cards to student loan payments. It’s essential to make sure that you’ve updated your address with all important vendors and servicers. Consider setting up mail-forwarding through the U.S. Postal Service as well. It can help you catch anything that might have slipped between the cracks.

Set Up Utilities

Who hasn’t spent a night crashed out on a bare mattress in a hot living room? Ensure that your utilities have been transferred or activated as soon as possible in order to avoid any complications or service interruptions. Electricity, gas, water, and other essential services should be active and in your name as soon as possible.

Locate Breakers and Shut-off Valves

While you get accustomed to your new home, you should make a point to identify the location of any circuit breakers and/or shut-off valves for your water or gas. Odds are by the time you really need to know where these things are, you’ll already be elbow-deep in an emergency situation. Head off any serious danger by learning where these key utilities operate from before you find yourself in some real hot water.

Check Smoke Detectors

Do we really need to explain why this is so important? A fire alarm is more than a nuisance when it starts beeping to let you know it needs a new battery. Your fire alarms may someday save you and your loved ones’ lives, so don’t forget to make sure they’re functioning correctly as soon as you move in. Also, consider installing carbon monoxide detectors if your home doesn’t already have them. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Change Your Locks

A licensed property management agency like America’s Finest Property Management can keep tabs on the security of your home before it’s yours. But after the final dotted line is signed, it’s not a bad idea to change the locks to be on the safe side. You might also consider installing security cameras or investing in an alarm system. Your home is your castle, and it’s your responsibility to protect it as well as possible. Which leads us to…

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Do you go out of town or travel often? It’s easy to go days if not weeks or even months without interacting with your neighbors. But a good neighbor is a good eye on the safety of your home while you’re away. Friendly neighbors may be available to feed pets or bring in the mail if you plan to be on the road for very long. Consider joining a neighborhood group on social media, or register for Nextdoor to keep apprised of the goings-on in your area. It doesn’t hurt to be an active part of your community!

And finally…


Congratulations – you’re a new homeowner! Whether it’s your first place or your tenth, it’s important to take the time to make it truly yours. Invest in quality workmanship for any repairs or renovations. It’s the little touches that make a house a home. Consider hosting for the holidays, or have loved ones over for a housewarming party. It’s your place now – enjoy it!

A child's sock feet poking out of the cardboard box they're playing in - Visit

Why America’s Finest Property Management?

Our licensed and experienced real estate agents are prepared to take you by the hand and help navigate the complications of making a San Diego-area home purchase. They can identify the best possible options for you based on your budget and personal needs, ensuring that the process is as smooth and streamlined as possible. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!


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